What is Industry 4.0?

What is Industry 4.0?

Industry 4.0 is a collective term that includes modern automation systems, data exchanges, and production technologies. Industry 4.0 is a combination of the internet of things, services of the internet, and cyber-physical systems and is one of the cornerstones of the intelligent factory system. With the realization of Industry 4.0, efficiency in production areas is increasing, as data will be collected, tracked, and analyzed in production areas.

Structure of Industry 4.0

Thanks to the transition to Industry 4.0, machines will be able to communicate with each other wirelessly, analyze the data, and present reports due to the analysis. In this way, the operating costs of the systems will decrease, and the production speed will increase thanks to uninterrupted communication.


Internet of Things: It refers to the wireless communication of machines with each other. Decision-making and implementation processes are concise. Data analyzes are delivered to all units immediately.

Internet of Services: It includes the people who will provide services over the internet, the people who will receive the service, the software that will give the relationship between them, and the services themselves.

Cyber-Physical Systems: It is the general name of the systems that see their operations through sensors.

6 Principles of Industry 4.0

Interoperability: Involves the communication of people and smart factories through cyber-physical systems, the Internet of Things, and the Internet of Services.

Virtualization: The system creates a virtual copy of smart factories by connecting sensor data with virtual plant and simulation models.

Autonomous Management: Cyber-Physical systems can make their own decisions within smart factories.

Real-Time Capability: The ability to collect and analyze data.

Service Orientation: Cyber-physical systems, people, and smart factory services are offered over the internet of services.

Modularity: It provides a flexible adaptation system to smart factories for the changing requirements of individual modules.

Advantages of Transition to Industry 4.0

• Facilitating system monitoring and diagnostics

• Sustainability of the system with environmentally friendly and resource-saving behaviours

• Ensuring higher productivity

• Increasing flexibility in production

• Cost reduction

• Development of new service and business models

The aim of Industry 4.0 is not to create a human-free factory but rather to create a people-oriented organization with high added value for all stakeholders, using information technology capabilities.

You can digitize your factory with Artech Industrial Computer Solutions, preferred for data collection from production, process analysis and control, operator panel applications, machine, and process automation applications.

Contact us for more detailed information and to find answers to your questions.



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